Introduction to the Quantum Energy Initiative (QEI)
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Online talk at PushQuantum's QEI Munich event (5 July 2024)
Can we tell how much power
a quantum computer will consume?
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Online Seminar for PhD students at CERN (11 May 2023)
Online Seminar with Olivier Ezratty: IBM Germany "Quantum Interest Group" (7 Feb 2023)
Seminar - Chalmers University of Technology (24 Jan 2023)
Conference talk - Workshop on Responsible Quantum Technologies, Karlsruhe (6 Dec 2022)
Conference talk - GDR Physique Quantique Mésoscopique, Aussois (30 Nov 2022)
Illusory cracks in the second law of thermodynamics in quantum nanoelectronics
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Talk - My habilitation defence (Nov 2022) Université Grenoble Alpes
A non-equilibrium system as a demon
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Talk - Quantum ThermoDynamics Conference [QTD 2019] (Espoo, Finland, June 2019) slides here
Seminar - Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) Singapore (Dec 2018)
Invited talk - Mini-Workshop
Open Questions on Energy Transport
& Conversion in Nanoscale Quantum Systems (Marseille, Nov 2018)
Pedagogical Seminar : The laws of thermodynamics at the nanoscale
Slides - pdf format
Invited seminar - Les Houches Doctoral Summer School "Frontiers of Condensed Matter" (18-29 Sept 2017).
Co-organised by
- Casimir Research School (Delft-Leiden)
- Donostia International Physics Center (San Sebastian)
- Ecole Doctorale de Physique de Grenoble
Non-markovian quantum thermodynamics: 1st law, 2nd law & fluctuation theorems
Slides - pdf format
> Watch a video of this seminar (32 min)
(a) Invited Talk - SPICE Workshop: Quantum Thermodynamics and Transport (Univ. Mainz, May 2018)
(b) Invited Talk - 2018 Joint Conference of the EPS and DPG Condensed Matter Divisions (TU Berlin, March 2018)
(c) Early version of talk at WE-Heraeus Seminar : Non-Markovianity and Strong Coupling Effects in Thermodynamics (Bad Honnef, Germany, April 2017)
Second law of thermodynamics for non-Markovian quantum machines
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(a) Invited talk - Conference on New Trends in Quantum Heat and Thermoelectrics (ICTP, Trieste, Aug 2016)
(b) Invited talk - Dynamic Days 2016 (Corfu, June 2016)
The best quantum thermoelectric at finite power output
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(a) Ben Gurion University - Physics colloquium (Oct 2015)
(b) Invited talk - Conference on Quantum Information & Quantum Control
Toronto (Aug 2015)
(c) I.L.L. - Physics colloquium (Oct 2014)
(d) Invited talk - Workshop Quantum Thermoelectrics: Dynamics, Fluctuations and Non-linearities Aachen (Nov 2013)
Nonlinear Thermoelectricity: Cooling, Catastrophes and Carnot
Slides - pdf format
(a) Seminar: IFISC, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca (February 2013)
> Watch a video of this seminar (approx. 1 hour)
(b) Seminar: Institute for Theory of Statistical Physics, Aachen (April 2013)
(c) Mini-workshop of Mesoscopic Physics Group, Lund (January 2013)
(d) Conference: Réunion Plénière du GDR Physique Quantique Mesoscopique, Aussois (Oct 2012)
Universal statistics for boundary collisions of a random walk
& implication for spin-polarized gases
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(a) Institut Laue Langevin - Theory Seminar (December 2011)
(b) Univ Genève - Atelier de physique theorique (January 2012)
Temperature can enhance coherent oscillations at a Landau-Zener transition
Poster - pdf format
(a) Rencontres de Moriond: Quantum Mesoscopic Physics, La Thuile (Mar 2011)
(b) Réunion Plénière du GDR Physique Quantique Mesoscopique, Aussois (Dec 2011)
(c) Conf. on Disordered Quantum Systems, Paris (June 2012)
Review talk : Quantum revivals -
connections to bouncing neutrons
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Invited talk -
GRANIT 2010 conference, Les Houches (February 2010)
Thermoelectricity in mesoscopic devices due to Aharonov-Bohm interference
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(a) Seminar:
Théorie de la Matière Condensée sur le Plateau, Orsay (January 2010)
(b) Seminar IPCMS, Strasbourg (February 2010)
(c) Seminar CPT, Marseille (Feb 2010)
(d) Conference Transalp'Nano 2010, Como (June 2010)
Poor qubits make for rich physics:
Zeno effect
& noise-induced
Berry phases
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Invited talk - International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, Pisa (June 2009)
Mirror-symmetries in quantum chaos
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(a) Invited talk -GDR Physique Quantique Mésoscopique - Aussois (December 2008)
(b) K. Richter's Group Seminar at University of Regensburg (January 2009)
(c) Condensed Matter Theory Seminar, Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste (March 2009)
Which theory for dissipation in quantum systems (such as qubits)?
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Institut Laue Langevin Theory Seminar, Grenoble (April 2008)
Introduction - Ehrenfest time in chaotic scattering
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Banff (BIRS) workshop
"Quantum chaos: routes to RMT and beyond" (February 2008)
The rivalry between interference and tunnelling in chaotic quantum-dots
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Theory Seminar LPTMS Orsay (Dec 2007)
Towards a dephasing diode: asymmetric and geometric dephasing
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ICTP Conference
"Quantum Phenomena in Confined Dimensions" (June 2007)
Noise of quantum chaotic systems in the classical limit
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Invited Talk SPIE Conference:
Fluctuations and Noise (May 2007)
The battle between interference and tunnelling in chaotic quantum dots
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"Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (CMMP)" (April 2007)
Geometric phases, adiabaticity and decoherence in qubits
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Grenoble mini-workshop:
Cohérence et information quantique (June 2006)
and Seminar at Atominstitut, Vienna, (October 2006)
From RMT to classical in quantum chaotic transport
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MPI-PKS Dresden Conference "Quantum coherence and noise in nanostructures" (May 2006)
Understanding quantum transport through chaotic systems
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University of Geneva (April 2006)
Quantum to classical crossover in chaotic transport
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Institut Laue Langevin Theory Seminar, Grenoble (January 2005)
Non-orthogonal resonances, geometric phase and geometric dephasing
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ICTP Trieste "School and Workshop on Quantum Entanglement, Decoherence, Information, and Geometrical Phases in Complex Systems"
(November 2004)
Berry phase in a non-isolated system and geometric dephasing
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EC "Spintronics" RTN Conference, Budapest
(October 2004)
Quantum chaos : learning from network models
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Univ. Oxford, Summer (2002)